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Cheesy Squash Bowls

Low cal, low carb squash makes an easy meal!

Spaghetti squash is like the contestants in the first episode of the TV hit, The Bachelor – appealing with no discernable flaws. But spaghetti squash holds up better than most of those contestants.

First, it has a long, stable shelf life. It’s good for you. And it adapts easily to any situation. See, what I mean. Better than The Bachelor.

Let me give you some other reasons to love spaghetti squash:

· Chock full of vitamins including B and C

· Has only 42 calories for a cup.

· Has a skinny 7 grams of net carbs vs 40 in regular pasta per cup

· Allows the flavors to shine through

· Is easy to cook

"Squash that doubles as a pasta and a bowl!"

The pasta substitute was introduced in America in the 1930s and gained favor in World War II victory gardens, when people planted backyard plots because of food shortages. After the war, it largely disappeared before it’s resurgence in the 1980s with the health food crowd. Now, it’s in almost every grocery store.

For this dish, we let the squash double as a pasta and a bowl. First ladle meatballs and sauce into the cooked spaghetti squash shells. Then we top it with fresh mozzarella and broil it until bubbly and top with parmesan cheese. Cheesy Squash Bowls is great for family weeknights or dressed up as an elegant meal for two.

If meatballs make you happy, you can try some of our other recipes including Momma T.'s Meatballs, Italian Meatball Soup, Ultimate Super Bowl Sub,and Smoky Meatballs.

Cooking tip:

1. If using a store-bought sauce, make sure it’s a good quality one.

2. To make the spaghetti squash easier to cut, put each squash in the microwave on high for 2 minutes each.

3. If the spaghetti squash were a football, cut it perpendicular to the long seam. Don’t cut it through the woody stem. Also, the spaghetti has a better shape cutting it short ways rather than longways.

4. It’s easier to get the seeds out, once it’s cooked.

5. Some people like to reserve the squash seeds and toast them separately. I give my raw seeds to the chickens. They love them!


Cheesy Squash Bowls

Recipe Ingredients

Everything you'll need for this delicious recipe is below.

Makes 4 generous helpings

½ recipe of Momma T.’s Meatballs (cooked)

1 jar good quality spaghetti sauce (We used a 3-Cheese Marinara Sauce)

8 1/4 in. slices of fresh mozzarella from a 1 lb log

½ c shredded or ground parmesan cheese

2 large spaghetti squash

½ c water (to bake the squash in)


Fresh basil for garnish

1 t red pepper flakes to serve on the side or sprinkle on top of each

Preparation Instructions

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

2. Put spaghetti squash in microwave and cook 2 minutes each on high to soften the squash and make it easier to cut. Remove with a pot holder. They will be hot.

3. Put a tea towel under a cutting board for stability. With a sharp knife, cut the spaghetti squash shortways (instead of longways through the woody stem.) It’s much easier that way.

4. Pour ½ c water in a rimmed baking pan.

5. Place the squash cut side down on the baking pan. (Leave the seeds in.)

6. Bake for 50 minutes.

7. While that’s baking, heat pre-cooked meatballs and spaghetti sauce until bubbly.

8. Slice fresh mozzarella in ¼ in. slices

9. Shred or ground parmesan cheese.

10. Once spaghetti squash is cooked, use a big spoon to scoop out the seeds and discard.

11. On a dry cookie sheet, place spaghetti squash “bowls" cut side up

12. Preheat oven to broil or 450 degrees.

13. With spoon or fork, loosen spaghetti squash while keeping the shell intact. (You may want to take a little spaghetti squash out of each to give you more room for the meatball filling.)

14. Ladle in the middle of each squash, the meatball and spaghetti mixture.

15. Top each half with 2 slices of fresh mozzarella.

16. Sprinkle with 1 T each of parmesan

17. Put baking tray back in the oven on a medium rack with at least 2 inches of space above the broiler.

18. Watch closely and let broil until cheese is bubbly and has a few brown spots 1-3 minutes, depending on your oven.

19. Remove from oven and plate each squash.

20. Snip fresh basil on top of each squash to garnish.

21. Serve with small dishes of red pepper flakes and the remainder of parmesan cheese.

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